Unlucky in love

OK Folks, I realise that we are only at the formative stages of our friendship. The “getting to know you” stage so to speak, but of course with all good friendships, we need to open ourselves up just a little in order to find out a bit about each other. What makes us tick.

I understand your reticence at doing such a thing – I mean, after all, who in their right mind would open up to a guy (or is it girl?) that hides behind the moniker of “BIBMaster”? Apart from the fact that it sounds like some sort of weird BDSM title, you also have to wonder at the motives behind an individual who hides behind such a nickname.

No offence taken – as I said I understand completely; so I’ll get the ball rolling by letting you into my world. A glimpse of what it’s like to be a young(ish) ex-pat living in Belgium, unlucky in love and on the search for his “Mrs. Right.” OK – so I’ve let the cat out of the bag now – I’m male – but see? – this is the sort of thing that I’m talking about. The getting to know you phase is already in full effect!

First of all, I’ve met many Mrs. Rights along the way. In fact they are everywhere. The problem is that it just seems that I’m their Mr. Wrong.

Of course this rather important fact is not always obvious at the start and it is only after going through the trials and tribulations of a relationship before we (read she) decides that the novelty of having an Irish boyfriend starts to wear off.

The hectic social calendar, the large circle of friends, the love of sports, partying and in general just having fun seemingly proving to be too much for my Mrs. Right and off she runs to the safe haven of a “normal boyfriend” (whatever that is) or at the very least one of those rabbit vibrators that I’ve heard so much about, come to think of it, usually from ex-girlfriends.

But hey, I’m not bitter and it would be churlish of me to rake up the twisted car wrecks of previously failed relationships.

I mean – I don’t want to scare you all off just yet, do I?
