Getting back to the topic in hand

OK – in the last couple of blogs I have strayed slightly from the original topic. I felt the need to do that in order to share with you the stage I am at in my life. A brief recap for those at the back:
I am from Ireland
I am 32 years young
I am living in Belgium
I am obviously trying my best to come to terms with the fact that I am in my early thirties and am still single. God I feel like the male equivalent to a character from Sex and The City…you know the one – the one that wears the weird clothes and one that writes even weirder articles

So having laid these foundations I feel that is more than time to get back to the matter in hand:

Belgium Is Boring

Let’s debate this matter further…..or rather let me write what I think on the matter and you out there, the Discerning Surfer, can respond with your own thoughts.
